I never understood the concept of "universal sovereignty" either.
If one believes the accounts of the Old Testament - it's not exactly like God stepped back and allowed mankind to rule himself. Quite to the contrary, he was constantly meddling in the worst possible way. For example,
- God cursed the ground so man would have a hard time growing food.
- Introduced disease and suffering to mankind.
- Made pregnancy and birth a dangerous and painful affair.
- Drowned almost every human on the planet in a global flood.
- Scattered everyone across the globe and confused our languages so we couldn't work together.
- Had a "choosen people" that he ordered to commit genocide against all the nations around them.
- And visited a host of plagues, famines, pests, earthquakes, and sulfur and brimstone attacks all along the way.
. . . talk about stacking the deck against humanity. Maybe if Jaweh had stopped being a total dick for a second humanity might have done okay.